Top 10k strings from Sgt. Pepper 02 (1988)(Sgt. Pepper).z80
in <root> / bin / z80 / software / Sinclair Spectrum Collection TOSEC.exe / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Demos / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Demos - [Z80] (TOSEC-v2007-01-01) /
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1 world: Keep on computing. 1 the same ol' stuff really. 1 the people you swop with. It's 1 pieces and let it roll. Hope you 1 like to say, then make a demo of 1 like it anyway. Now a few words 1 it can reach. 1 here and there, which league are 1 have worked on. No offence guys, 1 from our sponsors: 1 division, let me know if so. 1 but you are in a different 1 b$="Pepper2" 1 any sort and send it around to 1 amazing what number of countries 1 a$="Sgt.2" 1 a new demo. Well, I know, it's 1 Z0 D< 0DD 1 You put together some bits & 1 Yes folks, it's Sgt. Pepper with 1 To all Spectrumfreaks around the 1 To TUC: I have seen a game you 1 To SSC: You are not in any 1 To Rambo: I have seen your name 1 To RT: Flying Dutchman. 1 To MW: Vennlig hilsen. 1 To Link: Are you still missing ? 1 To Kjekser'n: Still golfing ? 1 To HS: Keep it up mate. 1 To Gilad: Looks like first 1 To GS: Stay cool. 1 To GH: The master of strategy. 1 To Billy Shears: The one & only. 1 To BK: Still awake, are you ? 1 To AF: Tjena. 1 This program was written by 1 Sgt. Pepper in May 1988. 1 Press Caps + a to exit. 1 Microdrive/Opus 1 If you have something you would 1 I HAVE BEEN CRACKING GAMES SINCE THE FIRST PROTECTIONSYSTEMS CAME OUT IN 1984, SO IF YOU WANT SAVEOPTION TO TAPE, DISCIPLE AND MICRODRIVE, THEN CONTACT SGT. PEPPER, NORWAYS NUMBER ONE. 1 Disciple/Plus D 1 '"0 - Start" 1 "Sgt. Pepper Demo 2"'' 1 "Saveoptions:"'' 1 "ENTER when ready: "; 1 "5 - Microdrive/Opus" 1 "4 - Beta Disc (USR 15614)" 1 "3 - +3 Disc" 1 "2 - Disciple/Plus D" 1 "1 - Tape"